Wednesday, May 31, 2017

May 31 Day +1

Liquid Nitrogen for Stem Cell Transport
Day one after the stem cell transplant.

Yesterday was hard. My job was to just lay on my back in bed while the nurses pumped stem cells into me. But, it took a lot out of me. I did some serious napping when they were done and felt a serious lack of energy. I slept pretty well last night also, despite the hourly pee breaks and the every four hour vitals checks. I was a bit nauseous through the night but have an aroma therapy called Quese|Ease that makes it bearable without medications. I had no appetite yesterday and not much today.

Today I woke feeling pretty blah. My white and red cell counts are down but not out and my hemoglobin is hanging in there. But, I have little energy. Yogurt was about all I could handle for breakfast and a glass of orange juice.

I have been up and walking and the physical therapist made me march in place and stand up from my chair without using my arms - good exercise for the thighs. Other than that I have had a very low key day because I just don't have a lot of energy.

Sharon is here now and it is good to have her company. (Ask her about how I smell. The preservative used on the stem cells causes a distinctive body odor.) She massaged my hands and arms and they feel good! Not much else to report. Hang around the room and wait for my stem cells to find their way back into my bone marrow and start producing. This is a very strange process.


Stem Cells Going In
Stem Cells Before Thawing



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