Friday, May 26, 2017

Day -4

Good morning lurkers! Here I am in room 1126 on Day -4 in my stem cell transplant saga. Last night was the first of my four nights of chemo. Getting chemo every 12 hours is not my idea of fun. I was able to dose for a bit before the chemo started and then  again after midnight to about 2:00 a.m. then until about 4:00 a.m. when the nurse checks vitals again and draws blood. I awoke around 5:30 a.m. and then got up about 7:00 a.m. Not easy sleep but I feel rested. At 7:00 a.m. I had a cortado and ordered breakfast and read news online and watched on TV. I am really enjoying my Nespresso Pixie here. I don't have to wait for and drink "office"coffee and can have it anytime I want. I don't get hot milk, but if I ask them to get it for me early enough the chill is off when I use it. Nurses gave me a lot of pills and checked my vitals around 7:00 a.m. Pretty exciting stuff isn't it. I have not left the room yet but have walked around the room in circles and taken a shower. I am ready for a new day.
We had thunder storms last night with a light show in the skies. The lightning was as close as a quarter mile and the thunder was loud. Sunny skies today with just a few clouds. We are supposed to have more thunderstorms this afternoon. I believe this is pretty typical late spring early summer weather here. Next Friday will mark our first anniversary here in Colorado. I've got to say I am not missing the Chicago area. Yes, the people but not the weather, traffic, politics, property taxes, and yard work.
Sharon modified some t-shirts for me with a slit down the right front and snaps to pull it together. All of the nurses have been impressed with them. One suggested that Sharon should sell them on Etsy. 
Listening to Pandora again. This morning it is Hawaiian music. Mellow. Chemo is due to start any minute. Just waiting on the bags, Here the are!
This afternoon Sharon, Larry, and Dave came to visit. It was good seeing the boys and I am so glad they came here to help Sharon while I am cooped up. They are good friends.
Chemo was uneventful, no side effects except lots of trips to the toilet to pee.
Fish taco for lunch. They were good. I'll have them again. It is time to order dinner and I don't know what to have.            
Denver and Pikes Peak
Cortado and News
Pot roast, mac and cheese, asparagus

1 comment:

  1. They don't tell you about the side effect of chemo being that you are running back and forth to the bathroom. Lots of liquid going in equates to lots of liquid needing to come out. Good that you have your appetite.
