Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Into the Bone Marrow Transplant Unit!

I have checked into my room in the Bone Marrow Transplant Unit at the University of Colorado Hospital in Aurora. Things are moving slowly. They took me for a chest x-ray and they have drawn blood and asked a kazillion questions. Sharon and I ordered lunch and are waiting. They have ordered my daily chemo and we are waiting. There is much waiting to be done here. 

Room with a view


The nurses will check my vital signs every four hours around the clock and will draw blood twice a day at 4:00 p.m. And 4:00 a.m. My nights will be so restful! Wake me at midnight and then at 4:00 a.m. This on top of the chemo which they tell me will be during the day, I will be hooked up to and I.V. around the clock. The I.V. pole will become my best friend and will be with me when I use the toilet, shower, lay in bed, sit...

Lunch was delightful, not. I did learn that if you want salt or pepper or anything other than utensils, you have to order it. 

Here is an exciting Room Tour for your enjoyment. This is where I will be for the next three weeks!  At about 3:00 p.m. My chemo finally started - rituxin - which is the immuno therapy drug and not technically chemo. It cost about $20,000 for a little bag, the one at the top of my buddy pole. I wonder how much Medicare will be billed for this entire process? As I have said before, poor people cannot afford to have cancer and get it treated. If I were not on Medicare and pay for a supplement, this could be a huge financial burden.  
Colby and his new buddy.

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