Sunday, May 28, 2017

Sunday. Day -2.

I slept well last night. I suppose I am getting used to the bed and the constant interruptions. Bottom line, I am resting. Climbed out of bed a round 7:00 a.m. and enjoyed a cortado, ordered breakfast and got my day going. It is now 11:30 a.m. and I am watching the Indy 500, have had a nap, taken a couple of walks, been strumming my ukulele, getting chemo, and blogging. Plenty do do so far and I am not yet stir crazy.

My nurse today is Rocco, a fellow Texan. Nice guy and a testicular cancer survivor. He goes on vacation in three days - southern Italy and Sicily with his family. His mother is from Italy. He is interesting to talk to.

Not much else to report so far today . Scattered light clouds outside with a nice clean view of downtown Denver and Pikes Peak. To bad I couldn't have reserved a room on the west side of the building with views of the entire front range. But, you get what you get and you don't throw a fit. At least it has been sunny out there today.

I have had a good day today. Partly because of visitors. Sharon and Larry and Dave and Chris and Amanda. They all kept me talking and thinking and enjoying myself. I watched most of the Indy 500 and that was entertaining. Pizza for lunch and it was tasty. Now it is ABC news and blogging. Also took a number of walks today, down the hall, back up the hall, around the corner, around another corner to the end of the hall, and then back, repeat. Sounds pretty exciting doesn't it!

Tonight is my last night of cytarabine and etoposide. Tomorrow I get the last and likely the worst of my chemo - melphalan. Then onto my stem cell transplant on Tuesday. I put in an order with Sharon for some Winchell's doughnuts tomorrow. I've been craving them for a while. Nick and I got some when he was here at Christmas, they were pretty good.

I'm going to try something new for dinner tonight - baked chicken strips. I've been afraid of them but Larry says to order lots of Ranch dressing and it will be fine. And, he suggests stocking up on Ranch so I've got some in reserve for other meal failures. I will report later!

Cocktail hour tonight was a single espresso shot. It was satisfying but not bourbon. My dry spell will continue until my Neutropenia is finished. A month?

Percy Still At Work


Ukulele and Percy
Lunch Pizza - Not Bad
Party at the Jordans!


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