Tuesday, May 16, 2017

One Week To Go

This morning we made a trip to UCHealth in Aurora for a bandage change, easy peasy. One week with the trifusion line down. This time next week I will be in the transplant unit and likely hooked up to an IV and getting an infusion of rituximab and then on to five more days of chemo. 

Sharon is making plans and lists of what we need to take with us - clothing, meds, coffee, but no bourbon Larry. We are getting things done and out of the way before I go in. This weekend we visited a nursery to get plants for the yard, both for pots and to put in the ground. We worked on planting them on Sunday and more on Monday. On Monday and Tuesday I worked on adding more drip irrigation lines and confirmed that the ones in place were working as expected. I do like using drip irrigation, especially in the hot dry summer climate we have here in Colorado. Of course after all of our work in the yard, the weather forecast now calls for temps in the low 30s and snow Thursday night into Friday.

This weekend L.C. got out twice and ran Sharon all over the green belt before being caught. On one of those occasions she managed to open the screen door by herself and let herself and Shelby out. He was easy to catch, I just opened the back door to the garage and he walked in. L.C. is not easy to catch, she toys with us.

Have I talked about the trifusion line? I was anxious about getting it and anxious about sleeping with it. It turns out is is less intrusive than I thought. Yes, I have to be aware of it when moving about and when sleeping but I think it has now become a part of me. I do have to keep it and the dressing dry which means that I have to put cling wrap over my shoulder to protect it when showering (that will be fun starting next week when I will be plugged into an IV while I am showering.) I wear a button front shirt daily so that it is easy for Sharon to get to the lines when she does the daily heparin flush and a t-shirt at night to control the lines.

Want more information on trifusion lines? Look here. (Larry P., don't look!)

We have been doing things with friends and by ourselves to spend enjoyable time together before the stem cell transplant. Lunch at Aloy Thai, wine and cheese on the patio, a dinner at Comida, dinner tonight at Via Perla in Boulder with friends, happy hour tomorrow night at Comida with other friends. My last taste of freedom!

I am continually appalled at The Donald's appetite for chaos. I don't want to read of his foibles, but can't help myself from watching the sinking ship. I worry about what the rest of the world thinks of his antics. 

Nurse Sharon preparing fro a heparin flush.
We now have multiple medical supplies at home.
Sharon plants while I drink rosé.
The kitties watch me. My red chair in the background.
A squirrel entertains the kitties.



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