Friday, May 19, 2017


We were surprised this week with a late spring snow storm in Colorado. On Wednesday I was driving the Camaro with the top down and on Thursday I was driving the Jeep in snow. Quite a change in the weather. 

Last weekend we planted annuals and perennials in pots and in the ground. Before that Sharon filled her self watering tomato planters with tomatoes and we had herbs in pots on front and in back. Thursday morning Sharon was covering all of them with buckets and pots and wrapped the tomato planters with a tarp. Now on Friday the snow is finished and is melting. By tomorrow afternoon all of the snow will be gone.

We had a delicious and fun dinner on Tuesday this week at Via Perla in Boulder. Joan, Chuck, Judy, Chris, Amanda and the Jordans. We will go back to this restaurant. On Wednesday we met our neighbors Leslie and Jerry for happy hour at Comida - one of our regular haunts.

Between Boulder and Longmont
The Normally Empty Gulch
Yellow Headed Blackbirds
Kitties in Winter Mode

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