Saturday, May 27, 2017

Saturday May 27, 2017 - Day -3

Uneventful night. The usual vitals, meds, etc. Nurse Sara loaded Percy up with Chemo around 10:30 to 11:00 and I took them in until around 2:00 a.m. No reactions and I slept pretty well considering. Sara woke me at 4:00 a.m to draw blood and take vitals. Everything seems normal. Not much else to report this morning, I had breakfast and showered and went for a walk. Now I'm just sitting looking out the window, typing, and listening to Pandora. I had an Ativan this morning so I am pretty mellow.

Not much diversion around here. Thankfully Sharon and Larry and Dave came to visit again. Other than that, I read, I nap, I measure and write down my urine production, I listen to music, I have my vitals taken, I take pills, I wall the hallway pushing Percy, I watch videos (today Jason Bourne on HBO Go), I read the news I watch the news, I play my ukulele, I sit and stare. Stir crazy. At 5:00 p.m. I decided I wanted a cocktail, I poured myself a coke. This is my fifth day here and I will be bonkers before I leave. I think our original target was the 12th of June, but hoping for the 10th. The MyChart Bedside app tells me I might leave in twelve days on the 8th. It all depends on how my red and white blood cells recover after the transplant. I will be glad to leave, even a week at the Homewood Suites will be better than this. 

It has been cloudy outside most of the day and somewhat dreary. I prefer it when sun is coming into the room and there is variety in the clouds outside. I want to be outside.

I continue to work my way through the menu here. You can put together quite a variety of meals. I continue to have an appetite and I am determined to stay as healthy as I can. One thing I have ordered repeatedly is the Caesar side salad with Caesar dressing. It is a nice little salad. For lunch today I had a bean burrito with a bowl of fruit. That worked. Tonight I have ordered linguini with Bolognese and a side of steamed spinach. We will see what shows up. The last time I ordered spinach I got mushrooms. 



1 comment:

  1. At least now you order your own food in hospitals. Years ago they simply brought trays to the patients. No telling what might be on your menu for each meal. Hang in there, Sharon's cooking when you get home is something to look forward to.
