Thursday, June 1, 2017

June 1 Day +2

Last night while dozing I oddly started thinking of our home phone number when we moved to Houston in 1960. SUnset 2-8405. I also dreamed about my Stetson cowboy hat which has not fit me since I started chemo. No hair = no fit. I want my hair back. I've got two or three Stetsons and none of them fit me right now. I guess on the positive side, I have no need to a hat while I am confined to the BMT Isolation section of this hospital. My hope is that a week from tomorrow they will let me out of here and I can move in with Sharon at the Homewood Suites for a week, then home.

Muscle tone has suffered in here. I suppose it is a combination of the chemo and lack of activity. I can see it in my arms and body and feel it all over. I can walk around the hallways here - they say that 24 laps is a mile but it is a pain because I have to go through multiple pressure doors to do it. And, I am pushing Percy, my IV stand and wearing a procedure mask. I've got some elastic bands that I pull on and I can sit and stand and march in place. But, none of this really compares with doing simple things at home like walking up and down stairs, doing dishes, sitting outside, walking to the mailbox, bike riding.

My blood counts continue to fall and the doc says they will continue to go down. Today my White Blood Cell count is 2.0, my red count is 2.84, hemoglobin is 9.2, platelets are at 112, and neutrophils at 1.9.

Typing on this blog helps me pass the time but must be boring for those of you who read it. 

My gut is not normal and they won't let me have probiotics. Sharon and I discovered how effective probiotics were when I was doing the ABVD chemo in 2010. Chemo kills your gut flora. Gut flora promotes digestion, elimination, and general well being. My stomach is somewhat upset and all they will give me is Tums and some other meds. They don't want live bacteria introduced. I guess I have to regrow them myself.

I had a very nice visit with Chuck and Joan today and then Sharon joined us. It is good to have good friends and a loving wife! Joan brought me coloring books and a word search book to keep me occupied. I also texted with Katie, and John, and the BVSD crew. 

While Sharon was here I got an email from Wyoming Tourism which lead me to look for rooms at Old Faithful Inn in Yellowstone for September 1-3. They are available but they are not cheap at $262 per night plus tax. I would like to go to Yellowstone again as well as Grand Teton. I've been also eyeing Rapid City for a long weekend trip and Sante Fe and Phoenix. Since I won't be able to fly for quite a while, road trips are it. We will do a day trip into Wyoming on August 21, 2017 to see the total solar eclipse.

Just me and Percy 
Sharon brought me my new cookbook.


1 comment:

  1. Hey Colby J - Duane and I will be watching the solar eclipse from Trenton KY this year at his brother's house :-)
