Friday, June 2, 2017

June 2 - Day +3

Made it through another night! Sleeping here is not great but luckily I have a knack for falling asleep anytime, anywhere according to Sharon.

My blood counts continue to fall. White cells 0.7, red cells 2.69, hemoglobin 8.4, platelets 91, and neutrophils .6. Tonight they start me on neupogen which does work on my to promote the growth of white blood cells. So tomorrow morning I may be down more or starting the come up - if the stem cells have found their way home and are ready for work. I do not want to have to have a transfusion of red blood or platelets. One key to recovery is to keep moving - walking and other exercise. I've got a positive attitude also and a great bunch of friends providing support.

I am reading and enjoying my new cookbook "Meathead". I am working through the techniques chapters and have some disagreements with Meathead Goldwyn, but I am learning also.

Sharon made my day today by showing up with a quiche she made. Of course it was delicious and the best thing I have eaten since I got here. And, because I have not had any desire for food since the stem cell transplant, it was especially good. I ate and enjoyed it.

Other than her visit this has been a low key day with a number of walks and some pulls on the stretchy bands. I had a nap and have been online on Facebook, email, the news, and reading my book.

Looking East

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