Friday, June 9, 2017

Friday June 9th - Day 10

First, blood count updates. White cells up to .6 and red at 2.5 with platelets at 14 and hemoglobin at 7.6. I've got improvement and did not need whole blood or platelets today. The doctors are encourage and today told me I would be out of here this weekend which certainly energized me! They have been doing some wavering and saying perhaps Sunday, but they are doing everything to get me out of here on Saturday. All I have to do is get through tonight without a fever and for my blood counts to continue to improve. Here's hoping!

I've been really bad at blogging this week. Part of my reason is not having a comfortable place to sit and type. Working on a hospital bed table while sitting on an uncomfortable chair does not encourage writing. I have been distracted yesterday and to a lesser extent today my the Comey testimony to Congress.

After hearng I may leave!
Sharon is at Comida.


1 comment:

  1. Good news is always welcome. Hope your next post is from your hotel.
