Thursday, June 29, 2017


I feel that each day I get a little bit stronger and feel a little bit better. This week Sharon and I went to UCHealth for blood tests and a visit with our favorite nurse practitioner, Keri. My blood counts are doing very well and Keri says I am ahead of the curve. It has now been 30 days since my stem cell transplant. I still have daily nausea, but not as bad, my taste buds are recovering but not there yet, my neuropathy is still there with sensitivity in my hands and tingling in my feet. I do not have my strength back but it is coming.  I am walking faster but not yet to my normal speed. Sometimes a little wobbly but not too bad. One month down and only two to five to go. Yep, three to six month recovery.

Yesterday I had an outing all on my own. I drove to Rocky Mountain National Park to visit with Joan who was camping there. I managed an hour drive each way and about an hour visiting with Joan and took a short walk while there. Trekking poles come in handy when walking. Then in the evening we went to Comida and met Chris, Amanda, and Judy. I wasn't fully able to enjoy the food but it was nice to get out. Sharon especially needed a night out away from home and socializing with someone other than me.

Today while trying to figure out why out solar shades would not come down I discovered that the GFI in he basement that controls one basement outlet and our outdoor outlets had tripped. The freezer was plugged into this in the basement. Oops. Everything was done for and at room temperature. The biggest loss was the gravy that Larry made when he was here last. I think we will put him to work when he visits this weekend. I have switched the freezer power to another outlet. Hopefully we will not see this happen again.

How is it that a restaurant advertises "tapas" when there is little to nothing on their menu that would or should be considered tapas? Why do so many people fall for it? I've been to Spain, I know tapas, and what is generally advertised here is NOT tapas. Rant over.

Still No Hair!



  1. finally caught up with the blog - wishing you better every single day. Love you!

  2. I had the same thing happen to me with GFCIs in Arizona. Couldn't figure why deck outlet wouldn't work. Figured out the outlet in the garage had been tripped. Totally different side of the house.
