Thursday, July 6, 2017

Independence Day and Beyond

Yep, Independence Day has come and gone. I am, as usual, perturbed by everyone celebrating July 4 and not mentioning the reason we celebrate on July 4. We have lost our way. Off my soap box.
Now on to me! I am getting better. My energy level is better but not great. The nausea is almost gone. My taste buds are slowly recovering. My neuropathy is not getting worse. A few hairs are growing on my head. So, everything is slowly moving in the right direction. This morning I read an article on our gut bacteria and how it changes quickly with diet. I went on and read some other resources and am convinced that oncologists need to communicate with gastroenterologists and realize that care of and restoration of  our micro-biome should be part of cancer treatment. And, extending that, they should consider the whole person and not just concentrate on killing cancer. Oops, I might be on another soap box!
Lots of fireworks in the neighborhood this week. The kitties were not pleased with the noise, but they both came out of hiding after the action subsided. We went next door to Tom and Lindsey's for an Independence Day picnic on their patio. Tom smoked some tasty brisket. I need to smoke some soon - also a pork butt. Today I am making some tamales using a recipe out of a tamale cookbook I picked up on close out at the Boulder Bookstore. If you visit here and enjoy books and bookstores, you must visit the Boulder Bookstore.

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