Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Almost Two Months Old

July 30 will be my two month "birthday", two months since my stem cell transplant. I am recovering and feeling a bit better and stronger each day. I am still nagged by nausea which is likely a result of one of my medications. Dr. Kamdar will be setting up an alternative lung therapy. I did visit Dr. Kamdar on Monday and also got multiple blood tests. All the blood work is looking good - except for one that indicates lowered liver function also due to the drug causing nausea. I am needing fewer and fewer naps, hair is slowly growing, energy is slowly coming back, I am cooking some, riding some, and going out more.

As you may figure out from the number of photos I am posting I am feeling well enough to have more of an interest in taking photos. I think it is a good indication. I am also eating out more as I am able to taste more. I feel my taste buds are at 90%. Tonight Sharon and I are going to Mateo. This is one of the restaurants Sharon discovered when she spent so much time in Boulder doing work for the Boulder Valley School District. She and I have only been here once or twice since we moved here. The food is mostly French, though I think they are more Mediterranean with some Italian, Spanish, and Greek influence. 

Shelby In The Loft
Baby Shubunkins
Front Range Rain
Sunset Colors
Sharon Checking On Babies
Our House From Greenbelt
Morning Ride

1 comment:

  1. Love the pictures! Glad you're feeling ok. 90 percent is good!
