Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Isn't It Time For An Update?

I continue to heal and I feel better all the time. Hair is growing, energy is returning, and I am more myself every day.

We enjoyed a visit from the Jordans of Redmond Oregon this month. We had a good time together taking in the sights of Rocky Mountain National Park and Bounder and Longmont. Avery enjoyed visits to The University of Colorado and Colorado State University. I put John and Avery to work around the house and we accomplished most of he heavy lifting work I needed to get done. Everyone pitched in to help while they were here. Anika and Sharon cooked up a storm. Lots of baking! We made tamales, smoked ribs, ate a lot and had a great time. John, and Avery, and I made it to RMNP for a day of fishing. And while Avery is the only one to catch a fish we all got to see plenty of them. It was a fun, relaxing day though John did his best to do me in with walking more than I knew I could do. We got up close and personal with a herd of elk that seemed to follow us across Moraine Park right up to the Big Thompson River. They are impressive animals.

Shelby in charge
The Jordans come to visit.
John & Kristie
Top of the world ma! Rocky Mountain National Park.
Avery, Kristie, John, Anika
Fishing at RMNP
The elk followed us to the Big Thompson
Our local squirrel helping dispose of sunflower seeds.

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