Friday, June 23, 2017

A Week At Home

Biggest news this week is that the tri-fusion line is out! On Thursday morning the line was removed so that I no longer have a Christmas ornament dangling from my chest. Wednesday's blood tests were all good with my white blood cell count at 3.1, red blood cell count at 3.37, hemoglobin at 9.9, platelets at 240 and neutrophils at .07. I did need a neupogen injection to bring up the neutrophils but all the other numbers are looking good. 

I have been eating more but I still have no appetite. I've had bouts of nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Yuck but they are getting better. I sleep a lot during the day, but do get out for short walks. Sharon continues to put up with me, she is tougher than I am. Today she booked flights for John, Kristie, Avery, and Anika to come here at the end of July. Larry and Dave are coming next weekend, Peg and Suzanne will be here sometime in July and maybe we'll even see Katie this summer. Lots of visitors!

Bird Watching
Guarding the Stairs

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