Monday, April 27, 2015

Sitges - Day Ten

We saw the girls off to Seville and Granada this morning and then got some more sleep. Eggs and toast and coffee for breakfast in the piso then little else for us but relax. We looked in all the piso closets for a bicycle tire pump with no luck. After our mid day meal I tried the bike shop - closed, two Chinese stores, and the hardware store. I scored a small bike pump at the hardware store. Katie and Jason and I wandered about town and stopped by the post office so that I could mail postcards. The postoffice is open from 10:00am to 1:30pm - a small window.

What is a Chinese store you may ask? They are small, stores packed with anything and everythng. Perhaps like an old dime store. You can find anything there from toys to kitchen gadgets to various electical devices, to paper good, to clothing, to bedding, to dishware... It does seem that anything you can't find anywhere else will be in the Chinese store. And, when all other stores are closed mid day or on Sundays, the Chinese stores are open.

Jason makes a good subject, even to the point of agreeing to do things he wouldn't ordinarily do. He is also very photogenic, so that doesn't hurt.


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