Friday, April 24, 2015

A Day Trip to Montserrat

Wow. We are bushed. This seemed like a simple trip but it took all day. Out of the piso at about 7:30 for the train from Sitges to Estacio Sants. Then the Metro L3 line to Espanya. Then the R5 line to Montserrat, then then the Cremallera Funicular up the mountain. All together well over 2 hours of travel with some waiting on top of that. It was around 11:30 when we got to the basillica and we could not get in until at least noon and 12:15 for a quick view of the Black Virgin. We went to get something to eat. Then back to the line for the Black Virgin and then into the basilica. They were interesting to see and they have spent quite a bit on them for gold and solver ornamentation but I was not impressed.

We took the St, Joan funicular up to the top of the mountain and that was well worth our time. Beautiful views available all around. Being surrounded by nature ws more rewarding than being surrounded by religious artifacts - and people taking selfies with their selfie sticks. Yes, they seemed to be everywhere. I think people are more interested in photos of themselves than they are in memorable photos of where they have been. "I was here.....I'm not sure what that is in the background.

We started back at about 3:45 making it back to Sitges about 6:45, Three trains, lots of walking a some waiting. Glad to be back and at least Katies and I are bushed, Vacation can be hard! The kids went out for take away burgers for us and we all settled in with food, showers, wine, and Spanish TV. I will be in bed early as we have a day at Sagrada Familia tomorrow.

I cannot recommend a trip to Montserrat from Sitges. Perhaps it would be worth it if going from Barcelona, but the extra hour plus of travel may not be worth it. Yes, a pretty mountrain, but I have seen prettier, more glorious looking churches in many cities. Save up for Reims or Paris, or stay in Barcelona.


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