Sunday, April 26, 2015

Sitges - Day Nine

Sunday. Sleep late, have some coffee and chocolate croissants at Cafe Roy, then house cleaning! Aliza and Mary took the train this morning heading to Sant Sadurní d'Anoia for a tour at Freixinet. Katie and Jason and I picked up the piso, swept, mopped floors, did laundry, shopped for dinner, and generally kept ourselves busy.

Early this afternoon I headed out to the store for a couple of items and discovered a crowd at the Cap de Ville. They were about to start building a human tower - a castell so I went back to the piso to get Jason and Katie and we all went to watch. This was a first for me, never seen this done in person and it is a wonderful experience. I've got a couple of videos but I can't get them on the blog quite yet but, you can see them on Facebook. They build from base of men, both their regulars and volunteers, to a tower of progressively smaller people down to small girls at the top. They are certainly good at climbing!

This morning I picked up some sole for dinner tonight. The shop lady, peixater, cleaned them for me at the shop. I have never seen a flat fish cleaned and I was transfixed, she made it look so easy. I still had to fillet them myself and I have never done a flat fish before. I'm an expert now. Our dinner was the sole in a lemon sauce, patatas bravas, and salad and bread and a tasty rosé from Raventos. It turned out great. I used the fish carcasses to make fish stock which became the base for my sauce. I sauteed some onion in butter, added stock and white wine reduced, and finished with limon. Tasty. I do enjoy cooking.

After our dinner we all pretty much crashed. Around 6:30 I went for a walk and ended up at the church and found a concert inside - an organist and a soprano. A very pleasant surprise.

Got the video thing figured out. Have to upload to YouTube then link via Blogsy.


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