Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Another Trip to Osmosis

We started today with a trip to Parc Guell which was a disappointment to all of us. Katie and Jason remember when it was free. Now, it is not, and though it is only about 5€ the problem it that they are now charging. You can certainly walk through much of the park, but the areas that are recognized as "typical" Parc Guell are restricted. I don't need to go back, nor will I recommend it. However, if you do go, take the 24 bus from the train station at Passeig de Gracia and it will take you all the way up the hill to the upper entrance to the park.

And while I am mentioning a bus, buses in Barcelona are a great resource. Download the TMB app and use it to find buses to get you anywhere. Buy a 1 Zone T-10 card and use it on the buses and the Metro. Do the same in Paris with carnets. Use the local transport - not taxis or tour buses. See the people, see the city, save yourself some Euros.

Our disappointment in Parc Guell was quickly forgotten because we had plans for Osmosis which was our main feature today. Our consensus was that this week the meal at Osmosis was better than last week. Every dish was exceptional - last week we had one dud. Not so this week. For me the standouts were the asparagus soup and the final pato con chalota, though the whole menu was outstanding. The wine selection was a standout also. I learned a couple of years ago to let them pick the wine and once again they were right. Normally I will pick wine for our meals, not at Osmosis.

Last week I left my camera flash at Osmosis. It had fallen out of my camera bag and I did not notice it. Jason asked me what I was going to leave this week - and I said "nothing." I ended up almost leaving my credit card! Anything for an excuse to come back. We did make a revervation for next Tuesday at 2:00. 

Overall, long day, lots of walking - we did over 7 miles between the park, Osmosis, and Corte Engles for shopping and we are beat but happy.

Osmosis today....


Osmosis restaurante apuesta por la auténtica cocina de mercado, sustituyendo la carta por unos menús elaborados diariamente con el mejor producto que encontramos en las mejores paradas del mercado. Seleccionamos diariamente los productos más selectos que nos llegan de la tierra y del mar, escogiendo así unos productos de primera calidad.
Al mediodía elaboramos un menú degustación ágil compuesto por tres pequeños aperitivos dos entrantes, un pescado, una carne y un postre
Menú degustación
Escabeche de caballa e hinojo con tomate y crema fresca
Emulsión de esparragos con trufa y panceta
Atún " tomba i tomba" con suquet de vino tinto
Pato con chalota, patata violeta y vermut
Níspero con yogur y almendra

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