Sunday, April 19, 2015

On The Way To Spain

Katie and I are off to Sitges today. First to Miami and then to Barcelona via plane and then a bus to Sitges. As I write we are about two and a half hours into our flight to Barcelona. We started out i. Chicago this morning. Sharon dropped me off at O'Hare and Katie had a friend drop her off. We checked in and breezed through security and to our gate. We flew a 777 to Miami and were in bulkhead seats with loads of legroom. This was and felt like a large airplane. After an uneventful trip to Miami we walked quite a bit in the terminal and then had a nice lunch at a Cuban restaurant. We were surprised it was not table service but we enjoyed ourselves nevertheless. We boarded our flight to Barcelona and found that after a 777 a 767 seems small. We are currently in the middle of the "Main Cabin Extra" seating section between Business Class and the rest of us cattle. We do have plenty of legroom so I cannot complain. I could not however get my backpack into the overhead over our seats without taking a few things out. O.K., I did not pack light, but sheesh, my backpack is not large. My ukulele is under the seat and my hat is hanging from the seat in front of me, Not a lot of room in the bin. We had a decent light dinner and now I have to try to fall asleep to pass the next six hours - after I finish writing.

I've now listening to Pink Floyd on the iPad. This is my goto overnight flight music. It is something I can doze to. The Hawking movie is playing in the cabin, but my seat's audio connection is missing. Also, while the seat has a 12 volt outlet it does not have a 110 outlet. This is an old plane. I left my 12 volt to USB connector at home, knowing I would not need it. Now I do as I am down to 50% power. Oh, well, maybe sleep will come.

We meet Aliza in Barcelona and then take the Monbus to Sitges. Katie and I have already made plans for lunch on the pier and covered our major shopping needs. We are ready to relax in Sitges.


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