Monday, April 27, 2015

And Now On A Serious Note

In 2010 I was diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma and went through chemo. You can read all about it in the beginning of this blog or by going to my original blog. It is now just over five years from my original diagnosis and I no longer have Hodgkin's. I do have a form of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma but it is slow growing and, though a concern, not a major concern. Regular oncologist visits with blood work and occasional CTs keep me informed as to where I stand.

This evening I was reading some of a friend's cancer blog and ran across his post treatment "Chemo Survival Tips." I had not read Bev's tips before but they are spot on. His chemo cocktail was similar to mine and his experiences were similar - but not the same. I suspect that everyone does not react to chemo in the same way. Bottom line, his tips if they were available to me when I went through chemo would have made my experience easier. I found that providers don't prepare us enough and sometimes do not fully understand what we are going through. Find and use every available resource to help you through - and those of us who have been there are important resources.

You might wonder why I was reading Bev's blog and his tips. I have Adult Attention Deficit Disorder and I never know where I will end up when I am online. Tonight it was to Bev's blog.

Also, you may wonder why I am in Spain for about six weeks this year. It is because my wife, Sharon, is a saint and knows that since chemo I do not do well with cold - temperature regulation is a continuing problem. She felt that time in a warm climate and in the sun when it is still cold in Chicago would be good for me. So here I am.


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