Thursday, April 23, 2015

Happy Sant Jordi Day!

Dia de Sant Jordi is one of many festival days in Sitges - and this one is celebrated throughout Catalunya. Katie and I visited the booths and I bought roses for the chicas and Katie bought a book for me. It was a beautiful day and made for a very nice walk. Lots of people were out and about as this is a holiday for many people. Another highlight of our day was lunch at Grey's. I rank this my third favorite meal since arriving. Osmosis makes #1 and Salsetta #2.

Aliza and Mary made plans today to travel next week and they made plans for us to go to Montserrat tomorrow and Sagrada Famila on Saturday. They head for Sevilla and Granada - sounds like fun! I got a call this evening from Osmosis. It seems I left my camera flash there. I checked and yes I did, darn we have to go back there. Aliza made reservations for Katie and Jason and me for next Tuesday.

Walking back to the piso from the grocery and the liquor stores this afternoon carrying olives,
anchovies, two bottles of red wine and a bottle of bourbon I found myself with a silly grin on my face because this is such a wonderful place and time to be.


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