Saturday, April 25, 2015

Sitges - Day Eight and Sagrada Familia

We went to Sagrada Familia today. I have been in Sitges and Barcelona every year for the past six and have never made it to Sagrada Familia. It was beautiful, one of the most beautiful basillicas or catherdrals I have seen. And, this one was unique because of Gaudi's architecture. This is a builing you must see if you are in Barcelona. Sit down near the middle and gawk, it's O.K. Think of the fact that this was begun in 1882 and Gaudi took over in 1883. One hundred and thirty three years and to me the design seems modern. If you have any issues with heights, do not visit the towers. I do and I did. Big mistake. I did miss seeing the whole basilia from a distance to fully appreciate it from outside. This calls for another trip to find a good location to view it. No doubt I will be going to visit again to gaze and gawk in the interior.
Check out the selfie photos at the end of this blog post. I was most amused at the number and variety of selfies. It seemed to me that some people were more interested in themselves than were they were. I noticed the same selfies being done at Montserrat. It is an extension of people wanting their photos taken in front of signs and landmarks everywhere. It is a statement; "I was here." But to me it denigrates the experience, making it more about the person than the place, and that obviously bothers me. The one of Mary was posed. Thanks for being a good sport Mary.
After Sagrada Familia we all have coffees and a bite before splitting up. The girls to continue seeing sights. Jason to meet a friend. Katie and I to go back to Sitges. Katie and I went for a light lunch and split a bottle of rosado and chatted for over two hours, then we shopped for Sunday dinner and bought a phone for the chicas to take with them next week.
Our day ended at the calcots and chicken restaurant where they had no calcots but plenty of chicken and an ice cream shop where we got some delicious cones. Now we are in the piso chillin'.
Our Tour Guide
Oh Darn, More Rosado


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