Thursday, May 24, 2012

Wow, Sunny Skies in Sitges

We have had two wonderful days in Sitges. Wednesday was a lazy day to make up for our travel day on Tuesday. We slowly got up, made coffee, showered, and finally went down to Cafe Roy for breakfast and discussions on our plans for the day. Mine were simple, a trip to the hardware store for a euopean to us electrical socket and a trip to the tabacco store for some Cuban cigars. Then we all headed to the beach! After we had had our fill at the beach it was up to the playa for a restuarant and lunch. Paella and a couple bottles of Torres DeCasta Rosado made us happy. (I wish we could get this at Binny's.) By now it was about 4:00 and we all needed naps, can you believe it? Back to the piso, some to the roof and nap time.

After that hard earned rest we went to the local butcher shop and picked out a jamon Pernil Iberico and some cheese, got bread and salad fixings and were set for dinner later. Now it was back up to the roof for cocktails and cava and technology and talk. We were on the roof 'till 9:00 then down to the Soler piso for dinner of jamon Iberica, bread, salad, cheese, vinto tinto, olives, anchovies. In other words a feast to build our strength for Thursday and our trip to Raventos.

Up and out of the piso at 7:00 and the the train station. We are on our way to Raventos - two trains and we are at the Sant Sadurni D'Anoia train station a little after 9:00. Arnau Roca picked us up at the station and served as our guide and host for our visit. He is friendly, articulate, and entertaining. We started in the beautiful office area with coffee and an introduction to and history of Raventos. Then Arnau took us on a ride through the vinyards, stopping to show us the vines and the soil and explaining the different terroirs. We then came back to the main building and walked through the production area and Antonio demonstrated a manual disgorgement. Very cool! Then inside for a tasting of thee different cavas and a still wine. We met Manuel Raventos i Negra and his mother. This family and the people who work for Raventos are passionate about what they do and it shows. They made our visit the their winery a highlight of our trip and something we will treasure. We learned a lot and came away with a genuine appreciate for their wines.

Montserrat is always the backdrop for the Raventos vineyards

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