Sunday, May 20, 2012

More Rain In Hondaribbia

Sunday and rain, rain, rain! 50 degrees and rain. Now it is 12:30am and it is pouring. This puts a real damper (pun intended) on activities. We don't want to walk in the rain, we don't want to drive in the rain. Sharon and I think this calls for sitting in a bar, drinking, eating pintxos, and being warm, dry, and happy. Peg went for a run this morning, I went for a walk and photography, and Lee and Sharon were Lee and Sharon.

We are all on the patio of the hotel, under cover, watching the rain and using our technology. Lee and Sharon are on Kindle Fires and Peg and I are on iPads. A moment ago Sharon said something about the rain easing and how we should move on, and then suddenly the rain increased to about the hardest it has been. It is like when we were in Italy and while trying to visit a necropolis, every time Sharon opened the car door lightning would strike.

And it keeps coming! We have given up moving to a place for food and are drinking at the hotel. The usual whiskey and coca-cola for Lee. Vino tinto for me, a very nice tempranillo, and a vino rosado for Sharon. We are having a good time but we are not doing anything we had planned. Oh well as long as we are happy.

There was a break in the rain and we went looking for lunch. This was not an easy thing to do on Sunday in Hondaribba. The first few restaurants we checked were full - reservations only or a line waiting to get in. We decided to try the Gran Sol Restaurant since their Taverna was a big hit with us for pintxos. This was a GREAT choice. We got right in and had a fantastic meal. Sharon and I had starters that consisted of a layer of fois gras and a layer of fresh cheese, served with a bit of apple sauce and quince paste and a petite salad. Wow. Peg had a salad topped with shrimp and she loved it - the best salad she has had here she said. Lee had grilled octopus. Then for primero Peg and I had grilled sea bass with a roasted pepper sauce that was wonderful. Lee had monk fish that he loved and Sharon had hake with a light mustard sauce. All were beautiful and delicious and made a fine and filling lunch. I think when we get home with sould make some of the roasted pepper sauce to serve with fish and even steak. And, Sharon thinks she should persuade Michel to serve something like the fois gras fresh cheese starter.

As we were finishing lunch we saw sun outside! All of were excited, but by the time we left the restaurant it was raining again but we all risked adventures. Lee and Peg decided to go hiking, Colby and Sharon went to the marina area and strolled and then went up to the old city and wandered about, visiting the church and the old walls of the city. In the church there were two holy water fonts made from large shells. There was an alcove with what looked like a Gemini capsule, and an alter that appeared to have some one's remains on display. We passed by a shop where puppets are made and they were beautiful. We walked along the defensive walls of the city. The old city came under attack many times of the approximately 1100 years since it was first established in the 10th century. The sky continued to clear and the sun shone through! However it was still windy and chilly. We made it back to the hotel and sat outside for a while but quickly came inside where we sit now with glasses of vino tinto in hand.

1 comment:

  1. I know we are all supposed to boycott fois gras , but I love it. Jealous
