Friday, May 11, 2012

Friday Evening

Home after a day at Binny's being a Spirits Consultant. That means I stock the liquor shelves, point customers to various items in the store, and make recommendations and educate people. I like the recommending and educating parts best. I do know a lot about the spirits end of alcoholic beverages and don't mind spreading my knowledge.

When I got home and came into the back yard I was struck by the aroma of the lilac bush blooming in the yard. Wow! Of course I have now covered that up with a cigar accompanied with some 10 year old Old Rip Van Winkle Bourbon - 107 proof! Rip Van Winkle Bourbons have become a cult item. Not so much the 10 year old Old Rip Van Winkle but the Pappy Van Winkle 15, 20, and 23 year old. Good bourbons all but because they are in high demand, too rich for my blood. People who really have no appreciation for these bourbons have driven up the price. They are now hard to come by in the stores and only available at inflated prices on eBay.

New topic - travel. We are off to Spain on Tuesday and I am closer to ready! I've been printing documents we might need and getting electronic gear in order: camera stuff, GPS, euro plugs, headphones, batteries, chargers. I'm feeling good and not pressed. This trip we will go with the flow. I've said this in an earlier blog, but the things we've got arranged are the major bits we need to worry about - air, hotels, car. The rest will happen. We will see a cafe and check it out. We will wander around and go where it looks interesting. We will ask locals what to do and see and eat. We will experience new food and drink options in Basque county. I've got a list of towns to visit but no agenda. This will be our third trip to Spain and I suspect we will go there as long as we are able as there is lots to see and do.

Madrid Airport

I suspect that now that I have Blogsy, I will be better at documenting our trip through this blog. Last year I was taking notes and then began putting them into the blog when I returned. This is NOT the way to do this! In my down time when I am relaxing and in the moment is the time to write. I sometimes wonder who I am writing for. Mostly it is me, but I hope others may read and appreciate what I have to say and share.

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