Saturday, May 5, 2012

Cinco de Mayo at Casa Jordan

Cinco de Mayo at Casa Jordan

A very good time was had by all. Good food, good drinks, good friends, good times. Bernard, Linda, Steve, Marge, Terry, Audry, Lee, Peg, Mike, Melissa. Colby, and Sharon! Margaritas, Sangria, guacamole, chips, fundido, carne asada, veggies, salads, ummmmm.
Everyone brought food and/or drink and it was all delicious. It was amazing watching the kitchen fill up with food and people, then watching everyone dig in to eat and drink, and then after, the kitchen was cleaned so that you could hardly tell there had been a celebration.  We are so lucky to have such wonderful friends and neighbors who enjoy making and sharing good food and who enjoy getting together to share good times. I spent the first part of the evening popping in and out of the kitchen because I was grilling on the patio. I used charcoal to grill the onions and peppers and the skirt steak. I find that I use the gas grill less and less and the charcoal grill is my preferred tool. It just takes a little more planning and provides much better flavor - and more heat.
Steve always makes Tangeritas as it is his specialty. I made my 321 Margaritas, or should it be 123? 123 and you're out? 8 ounces of fresh squeezed lime juice, 16 ounces orange liquor, a full bottle of blanco tequila, stir, pour over ice. Sharon made Sangria that was well received and looked beautiful. I stuck with Margaritas. A few of us were over served, but that seems to be what happens on Cinco de Mayo. At least there were no flying tortillas this year. Have you heard the story of the flying tortillas? What happens at Casa Jordan stays at Casa Jordan.

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