Friday, May 4, 2012

Friday Nights

Our usual Friday night is for Sharon to go directly from where ever she is working to the Bistro and work on desserts. I show up at the bar at seven or so with a bottle of wine. I usually take two bottles with me on the off chance that one is bad. Tonight one was bad! I had two Haut-Medocs. A 2000 and a 2001. The 2000 was done, over the hill, finis. The 2001 was delicious! The bar was too busy though tonight and I moved to a table. I ordered a risotto and baby shrimp appetizer that really hit the spot - it spoke of comfort to me and, it went well with my wine. One of the servers said that he could tell by my body language that I was happy with the risotto. Sharon joined be around 8:30 and she had the same appetizer and it made her happy too. We finished with dessert, chocolate bread pudding, one of Sharon's specialties at the Bistro. It was also delicious with the wine. We had a nice evening as it was quiet in the dining room allowing us to talk easily and enjoy our time together. Home by 9:30.

The photo is not my usual iPhone grab. I just got a new 17mm f2.8 for my Olympus Pen EP-2. This was one of my first half dozen images with the new lens. I am very happy and will be pleased to be using this in Spain in less than two weeks. Many wonderful photos to follow! The 17mm along with my wide and long telephotos round out my lens collection for this camera. The whole system is a joy to use and quite compact with everything fitting in a small, lightweight bag less than a quarter of the size I used to lug around.

Tomorrow is Cinco de Mayo. We've got five neighbors and three others coming over for an evening of Mexican food and margaritas. A good time is in store for all of us.
Today was the 42nd anniversary of the deaths of four students at Kent State. There seemed to be little remembrance of that day and more remembrance of Star Wars day. To me the deaths at Kent State were something we should all remember and ponder. In 1970 we were demonstrating on campus across this country to draw attention to the war in Vietnam and the invasion of Cambodia and hoping to bring it all to an end. I did my little part, marching in Austin, but the students who were shot at Kent State brought more attention to the movement. The shootings should not have occurred, but they did and the resulting ground swell to end the war grew stronger after Kent State. As a country we were terribly divided, in a different way than we are now. It took a long time to heal but we did heal
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