Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Adios Sitges

Monday in Sitges was both wonderful and sad. Sharon and I started with coffee con leche at a cafe on the beachfront close by the church and then went for a long walk, almost two hours strolling down the Passeig Maritim almost to the end and then back past the church to our favorite swim area. It was a typical beautiful Sitges morning, blue skies, families on the beaches, people walking and skating, and running and sitting. It is so relaxing and easy to be here anytime of the day or night. I can't say it enough - it is so easy to be in Sitges, so comfortable. Everyone slows their pace here except for Lee! Wait I suppose Lee slows down here just as the rest of us do, but his normal pace is so energized it is hard to notice. I feel super relaxed when I am here and enjoy just sitting, or stolling. But then I enjoy just sitting at home too - but this is different.


We were thinking we'd find our com padres there but they were all at the piso when we got back. Sharon changed into her swim wear and all of us headed down to the beach. I chose to take a book and sit at a bar by the beach and have a beer. For about 2€I had had enough sun already! I sat and read and people watched until Sharon had enough on the beach and she joined by for a glass of vino blanco. Then it was off the the piso to cleanup for lunch.
At 2:30 we had reservation for lunch at Restaurant La Salseta. This place has become a tradition for us in Sitges. They specialize in Catalan food and it is always wonderful. Today we started out with a bottle of cava to celebrate our being there. Then it was off to various starters. Mine was fresh sardines on strawberries. Peg had vegetables on a pastry crust, Lee had fried calamari, Katie's went with mussels and Jorge chose pig trotter carpaccio with white beans. And that was just the starter. Another bottle of wine to wash down the starters, this time a still white and then it was on to the main course. Jorge and Lee both went with grilled calamari. Peg had a vegetarian paella - Peg was the most restrained eater on this trip! I had bacalao that was exquisite, the best I had in Spain. Oh, I don't remember Katie's dish but I think it was chicken based. Sharon had a veal steak that looked delicious.

On to dessert! All were exceptional but we somehow managed to clean our plates.

We have dined at many different restaurants during our trips to Sitges (2012 is our third stay with the Solers in Sitges) and La Salseta is our favorite for a special meal. If you are ever here, make a reservation and have a memorable Catalan meal here.

Our last evening in Sitges was another wonderful experience, a walk to the Hotel Romantic to relax in their courtyard and sip cava. This is an old hotel that Jorge tells us was three Americano homes linked together to make the hotel. Americanos were those from Sitges who moved to the the Americas, mostly Cuba, in the mid nineteenth century, made their fortunes, and then came back to Sitges. The hotel courtyard is full of trees and plants and is lovely. The hotel is filled with ceramic tiles and plates typical of those we see on Sitges buildings. A wonderful way to finish our stay in Sitges. Thanks Katie and Jorge!

Back at the piso we did some packing and then up to Katie and Jorge's flat for some dinner. A couple of bottles of Rioja plus jamon, cheese, and salad. Then to bed with plans to arise at 4:30 for our 5:55 bus. A bit early I think, but better safe than sorry.

Wrap up and home! We got to the bus stop quite early, Katie and Jorge went to the stop with us and stood there to wave as we departed. The Barcelona airport provided a surprise for us. It seems the cleaning people were demonstrating at the airport. They had filled the airport ground floor and departure hall, everything not in the secure areas, with shredded newspapers. They also walked around spreading more paper and blowing whistles and horns. Quite a mess and a lot of annoying noise! I can't help but wonder who cleaned up after them? Other than that, we checked in easily and stopped for some coffee before going to our gate for an on time departure to Madrid. In Madrid we had a long walk and train ride to our next gate, bought Kit Kats, and sandwiches and water and waited to board our flight to Chicago. This one also boarded on time and left withing 15 minutes of scheduled departure. It was a long but uneventful flight. I think we all got some sleep even with the guy behind me talking for the entire nine hours. His poor seat mate must have wanted to kill him!

Steve Kovatch picked us up at O'hare and were were home before 4:00. It is good to be home, but we are ready to go back to Sitges next year!

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