Sunday, May 27, 2012

Winding Down In Sitges

Sunday and we are moving slower! Every one took their time getting moving today and it was close to 11:00 when Sharon and I left the piso. Katies and Jorge left a little earlier for a walk and Peg and Lee left shortly before us for a day in Tarragona.

Our first stop was a little place on the playa for coffee, juice, and toast for breakfast. Sharon has become a coffee drinker on this trip, having cafe con leche almost every day. I would be really surprised if she continued down this path when we get home! Cafe con leche is really easy to take, just a shot of espresso and warm milk, the Spanish version of cappuccino or French cafe au lait, but even though Sharon loves the smell of coffee and makes wonderful coffee, the bitterness of coffee puts her off. Perhaps cafe con leche provides the balance she needs, a little coffee, lots of milk and some sugar.

After this break we simply wandered. I was on a quest for galleries or street artists. When we travel we are always on the lookout for food related art for our kitchen. We have pieces from London, Seattle, San Francisco, Florence, Chianti, and Wheaton (yes Wheaton, Illinois.) We also have a photograph I took in Coilloure and will add at least one more from this trip. Because we both love food and cooking, food art seems a natural. But, we found no food art today, though we poked in a number of galleries.

We did buy some antique ceramic tiles. We saw these as we were leaving an antique shop, looked at them a bit, then walked on. As we walked we talked about them and decided to go back to the store and look again and perhaps purchase them. The door was closed - it was noon. We went back by the shop a couple of more times and the door was still closed. Sometime after 7:00 Sharon and Katie tried again and the shop was open and the tiles are ours - just a little more weight in our checked bags.

Lots of activity in the local church today. We are pretty sure it was confirmation Sunday. The church was packed with families and there were nicely dressed youngsters up at the alter. There was no getting in, we could only look from the narthex. We ended up in the plaza in front of the church with a growing bunch of families.

The Sunday activities made another change in our plans. We were going to lunch at La Salseta but when we got there around 1:30 a sign on the door stated "completo." I suspect a number of the families celebrating their children's confirmation meant more families in the best local restaurants.Jorge made reservations for lunch on Monday and we headed for a simple local cafe.

To the beach! An hour or so in the sun and then back to the piso for siesta around 5:30. Later we were on the roof for a while, then we had salad and omelets in the piso, then some night photography and wind down. I'm done as it is after 11:30 once this is uploaded it is bedtime for Colby.

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