Saturday, May 26, 2012

Relaxing in Sitges

An easy, lazy day for us today. We all rolled out of bed at various times from around 8:00 to 10:00. Coffee and juice in the piso, showers as needed and then finally down to Cafe Roy at almost 11:00. Then it was walking through town, taking pictures, sitting by the beach, walking into shops. It was quite foggy this morning and the view of the church was interesting.

The old men get together to solve problems - or look at young women or both.

A bather overlooking the beach. This is primarily the family beach but you will find a lot of tourists here also.

Century plant spike coming up.

We all ended up at the piso around 2:00 and agreed that lunch was in order. We headed to the beach front to find our daily food nirvana. Today is was L'Ambassade and it was wonderful. Four of us opted for the menu de la dia. Superb service, wonderfully attentive staff, and great food. Pictures follow.

A toast!

First course, a tapas sampler was a visual and taste winner.

My first course was a beautiful and delicious salad with tuna.

Our table side entertainment.

Jorge had salmon.

Katie went for the chicken.

My chicken with sides of broiled tomato, zucchini, and roasted potato with pesto.


A Catalunian Rosado

Chocolate mousse and fruit.

Does it appear to you that this trip is a lot of wine, a lot of food, and a little sightseeing? It certainly feels that way. We go to Madrid and eat. We go to Hondaribbia and eat. We go to Sitges and eat. We go to Barcelona and eat. But you know what? We are having a great time.

The rest of the day was taken up with beach time and nap time and shopping time. e found some local artisan jewelry for Sharon and something cute fro Brady. I'll take care of goodies for Anika and Avery tomorrow. Sharon and Katie and Peg and I did shopping for dinner and we all then retired to the rooftop for wine and relaxations. Dinner finally came at 9:40 in Katie and Jorge's piso. Cheese, anchovies, a Jorge pasta dish, bread, salad, and wine. Then we all went out for an 11:30 walk around town. The streets are busy with people walking. Can you picture this in Glen Ellyn? We'd be stopped by the police!

Good night! It is after midnight and I am done for the day.

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