Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Madrid Day One

A long but enjoyble day. Madrid seems so much different than Barcelona. Not as vibrant, fewer outdoor cafes. Maybe it was where we were.

We arrived over two hours later than planned because of the flight problem - see previous blog entry. But, after taking the Airport Express Bus to within a few blocks of the hotel, we were able to check right in. Very nice, large rooms. and a good central location. We showered and then walked west from the hotel, hitting the Puerta del Sol and the Plaza Mayor. The walk to the Puerta del Sol seemed sleazy - contributed to by the working girls on the street. Plaza del Sol was a plain plaza - and no Tio Pepe sign! Plaza Mayor was nicer and had lots of tourist trap restaurants and one of them lured us in for some so so tapas and a bottle of wine. Then we wandered a bit until we found the Mercado San Miguel - which was a winner.We should have had our lunch there!

Back to the hotel for a two hour nap and then onto the hotel roof for cocktails. Then we wandered about looking for a restaurant and then waiting for one to open at 8:30. We found a winner. La Gloria de Montera. Very good food and service and moderate prices. Four of us, three starters, four main courses, and two desserts, two bottles of wine and one espresso - all for 101 euro. Outstanding - especially considering lunch was mediocre and was 72 euro!

Home and ready for bed! Sharon hit the sack at 10:30 and I have been piddling, copying photos, and now blogging. Good night!

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