Thursday, May 10, 2012

Learning Blogsy

Second try. I ran into so many issues the first tiem, I tried rebooting and the deleted the app and started over. It kept locking up and crashing - not what I've experienced with iPad apps in the past.

Let's try and image. Last time I was able to add an i age from Picasa but not edit it.This time it is working.

Much better. Now for text. Bold italic underline strikeout




Full text justification. i think that is what is is called. I have not used it for a long time. It is easier typing in this editor than the one that i have to use with Blogger. That one works well on the PC but sucks on the iPad.

I can also do font familys and sizes and standard paragraph formats. All good. There is also text color and background.

Fun at Binny's
I do not know how to spel chk. spelll checkkk

OK! I am happy except for the spell check which Blogsy blames on Apple becuase it is supposed to use the native editor spell checker. Seems to me this is a Blogsy bug and not an apple bug!

Other wise, this seems to be a very useful app. It is easy to move photos from the iPad and Picasa into the blog. And easy to type and see the results. I will live without the spell check.


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