Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Pet Peeves - Cheese Eating Etc.

I have some rules about eating cheese. I try to share them with others, but I come across as being either "a ball buster", a "pain in the ass", or just a trouble maker. Hey, don't cut the nose off of cheese wedges! Is that asking so much? Cut it at and angle, the cheese is more attractive, it is easier to take a small slice, and it doesn't bother me.

Here are some tips I found online:

As a guest, keep these tips in mind when sharing a cheese platter:
  • Always use a separate knife for each cheese (if they have been supplied) to avoid mixing flavours.
  • When cutting a cheese wedge, try to cut a slice along the length of the cheese, from the centre to the rind.
  • Try not to cut the point or the ‘nose’ off the cheese, which is often the ripest bit and worth sharing around! Also, take care not to ‘mine’ into the centre of the cheese, leaving only the rind for others, particularly with Blue and Soft White cheeses.
  • Although you can eat the cheese with your fingers, always use the utensils provided to transfer the piece of cheese to your fingers rather than picking the cheese directly off the plate.
  • Remember that, in general, the rind of soft cheeses is edible, but the rind of firm cheeses is usually avoided as it can be quite dry and brittle.
On to wine drinking! Wine glasses have stems for a reason - to hold the glass. Use it. Don't hold the bowl. Keep the bowl clean of fingerprints so you can enjoy looking at the wine. You may say, "I'm drinking it, not looking at it!" But, the joy of wine comes not only from the drinking but the aroma and the appearance of the wine in the glass. Some other time I'll tackle how to open and pour wine.

On to eating! I learned years ago of the importance of table manners. They go beyond keeping elbows or arms off of tables. Know how to properly use a knife, fork, spoon, and napkin. Know where the utensils go when you are not using them and when you are done. Table manners matter. Pass good manners onto your children so they will know how to behave at a table when they are adult. Table manners can make a difference in their lives and careers.

Good To Be Home

As wonderful as our vacation was and as much as I enjoyed being in Spain, it is wonderful to be home. Why? Let me share some of the reasons:
  • Sleeping in a familiar bed.
  • Cooking in our kitchen.
  • Showering in a familiar shower.
  • Driving in my car.
  • Having a friendly kitty come for a pet.
  • Watching the goldfish in the pond.
  • Being only on my schedule.
  • Paying bills? I don't know about this one!
  • Walking around our yard and seeing how everything grew in two weeks, a new round of blooms, weeds popping up, tomato plants blooming, hops growing.
  • Catching up on my blog.
  • Saving all the vacation photos to the PC.
  • And Shelby helping me type - this is his: /*988888888888

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Adios Sitges

Monday in Sitges was both wonderful and sad. Sharon and I started with coffee con leche at a cafe on the beachfront close by the church and then went for a long walk, almost two hours strolling down the Passeig Maritim almost to the end and then back past the church to our favorite swim area. It was a typical beautiful Sitges morning, blue skies, families on the beaches, people walking and skating, and running and sitting. It is so relaxing and easy to be here anytime of the day or night. I can't say it enough - it is so easy to be in Sitges, so comfortable. Everyone slows their pace here except for Lee! Wait I suppose Lee slows down here just as the rest of us do, but his normal pace is so energized it is hard to notice. I feel super relaxed when I am here and enjoy just sitting, or stolling. But then I enjoy just sitting at home too - but this is different.


We were thinking we'd find our com padres there but they were all at the piso when we got back. Sharon changed into her swim wear and all of us headed down to the beach. I chose to take a book and sit at a bar by the beach and have a beer. For about 2€I had had enough sun already! I sat and read and people watched until Sharon had enough on the beach and she joined by for a glass of vino blanco. Then it was off the the piso to cleanup for lunch.
At 2:30 we had reservation for lunch at Restaurant La Salseta. This place has become a tradition for us in Sitges. They specialize in Catalan food and it is always wonderful. Today we started out with a bottle of cava to celebrate our being there. Then it was off to various starters. Mine was fresh sardines on strawberries. Peg had vegetables on a pastry crust, Lee had fried calamari, Katie's went with mussels and Jorge chose pig trotter carpaccio with white beans. And that was just the starter. Another bottle of wine to wash down the starters, this time a still white and then it was on to the main course. Jorge and Lee both went with grilled calamari. Peg had a vegetarian paella - Peg was the most restrained eater on this trip! I had bacalao that was exquisite, the best I had in Spain. Oh, I don't remember Katie's dish but I think it was chicken based. Sharon had a veal steak that looked delicious.

On to dessert! All were exceptional but we somehow managed to clean our plates.

We have dined at many different restaurants during our trips to Sitges (2012 is our third stay with the Solers in Sitges) and La Salseta is our favorite for a special meal. If you are ever here, make a reservation and have a memorable Catalan meal here.

Our last evening in Sitges was another wonderful experience, a walk to the Hotel Romantic to relax in their courtyard and sip cava. This is an old hotel that Jorge tells us was three Americano homes linked together to make the hotel. Americanos were those from Sitges who moved to the the Americas, mostly Cuba, in the mid nineteenth century, made their fortunes, and then came back to Sitges. The hotel courtyard is full of trees and plants and is lovely. The hotel is filled with ceramic tiles and plates typical of those we see on Sitges buildings. A wonderful way to finish our stay in Sitges. Thanks Katie and Jorge!

Back at the piso we did some packing and then up to Katie and Jorge's flat for some dinner. A couple of bottles of Rioja plus jamon, cheese, and salad. Then to bed with plans to arise at 4:30 for our 5:55 bus. A bit early I think, but better safe than sorry.

Wrap up and home! We got to the bus stop quite early, Katie and Jorge went to the stop with us and stood there to wave as we departed. The Barcelona airport provided a surprise for us. It seems the cleaning people were demonstrating at the airport. They had filled the airport ground floor and departure hall, everything not in the secure areas, with shredded newspapers. They also walked around spreading more paper and blowing whistles and horns. Quite a mess and a lot of annoying noise! I can't help but wonder who cleaned up after them? Other than that, we checked in easily and stopped for some coffee before going to our gate for an on time departure to Madrid. In Madrid we had a long walk and train ride to our next gate, bought Kit Kats, and sandwiches and water and waited to board our flight to Chicago. This one also boarded on time and left withing 15 minutes of scheduled departure. It was a long but uneventful flight. I think we all got some sleep even with the guy behind me talking for the entire nine hours. His poor seat mate must have wanted to kill him!

Steve Kovatch picked us up at O'hare and were were home before 4:00. It is good to be home, but we are ready to go back to Sitges next year!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Winding Down In Sitges

Sunday and we are moving slower! Every one took their time getting moving today and it was close to 11:00 when Sharon and I left the piso. Katies and Jorge left a little earlier for a walk and Peg and Lee left shortly before us for a day in Tarragona.

Our first stop was a little place on the playa for coffee, juice, and toast for breakfast. Sharon has become a coffee drinker on this trip, having cafe con leche almost every day. I would be really surprised if she continued down this path when we get home! Cafe con leche is really easy to take, just a shot of espresso and warm milk, the Spanish version of cappuccino or French cafe au lait, but even though Sharon loves the smell of coffee and makes wonderful coffee, the bitterness of coffee puts her off. Perhaps cafe con leche provides the balance she needs, a little coffee, lots of milk and some sugar.

After this break we simply wandered. I was on a quest for galleries or street artists. When we travel we are always on the lookout for food related art for our kitchen. We have pieces from London, Seattle, San Francisco, Florence, Chianti, and Wheaton (yes Wheaton, Illinois.) We also have a photograph I took in Coilloure and will add at least one more from this trip. Because we both love food and cooking, food art seems a natural. But, we found no food art today, though we poked in a number of galleries.

We did buy some antique ceramic tiles. We saw these as we were leaving an antique shop, looked at them a bit, then walked on. As we walked we talked about them and decided to go back to the store and look again and perhaps purchase them. The door was closed - it was noon. We went back by the shop a couple of more times and the door was still closed. Sometime after 7:00 Sharon and Katie tried again and the shop was open and the tiles are ours - just a little more weight in our checked bags.

Lots of activity in the local church today. We are pretty sure it was confirmation Sunday. The church was packed with families and there were nicely dressed youngsters up at the alter. There was no getting in, we could only look from the narthex. We ended up in the plaza in front of the church with a growing bunch of families.

The Sunday activities made another change in our plans. We were going to lunch at La Salseta but when we got there around 1:30 a sign on the door stated "completo." I suspect a number of the families celebrating their children's confirmation meant more families in the best local restaurants.Jorge made reservations for lunch on Monday and we headed for a simple local cafe.

To the beach! An hour or so in the sun and then back to the piso for siesta around 5:30. Later we were on the roof for a while, then we had salad and omelets in the piso, then some night photography and wind down. I'm done as it is after 11:30 once this is uploaded it is bedtime for Colby.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Relaxing in Sitges

An easy, lazy day for us today. We all rolled out of bed at various times from around 8:00 to 10:00. Coffee and juice in the piso, showers as needed and then finally down to Cafe Roy at almost 11:00. Then it was walking through town, taking pictures, sitting by the beach, walking into shops. It was quite foggy this morning and the view of the church was interesting.

The old men get together to solve problems - or look at young women or both.

A bather overlooking the beach. This is primarily the family beach but you will find a lot of tourists here also.

Century plant spike coming up.

We all ended up at the piso around 2:00 and agreed that lunch was in order. We headed to the beach front to find our daily food nirvana. Today is was L'Ambassade and it was wonderful. Four of us opted for the menu de la dia. Superb service, wonderfully attentive staff, and great food. Pictures follow.

A toast!

First course, a tapas sampler was a visual and taste winner.

My first course was a beautiful and delicious salad with tuna.

Our table side entertainment.

Jorge had salmon.

Katie went for the chicken.

My chicken with sides of broiled tomato, zucchini, and roasted potato with pesto.


A Catalunian Rosado

Chocolate mousse and fruit.

Does it appear to you that this trip is a lot of wine, a lot of food, and a little sightseeing? It certainly feels that way. We go to Madrid and eat. We go to Hondaribbia and eat. We go to Sitges and eat. We go to Barcelona and eat. But you know what? We are having a great time.

The rest of the day was taken up with beach time and nap time and shopping time. e found some local artisan jewelry for Sharon and something cute fro Brady. I'll take care of goodies for Anika and Avery tomorrow. Sharon and Katie and Peg and I did shopping for dinner and we all then retired to the rooftop for wine and relaxations. Dinner finally came at 9:40 in Katie and Jorge's piso. Cheese, anchovies, a Jorge pasta dish, bread, salad, and wine. Then we all went out for an 11:30 walk around town. The streets are busy with people walking. Can you picture this in Glen Ellyn? We'd be stopped by the police!

Good night! It is after midnight and I am done for the day.

Friday, May 25, 2012

A Day In Barcelona


Lunch at Osmosis was the highlight of our day. An exquisite meal accompanied by outstanding wines. Thanks Jorge for finding this wonderful new Catalan restaurant. We paired the chef's new takes on Catalan food with Catalan wines recommended by our waiter and for over two hours savored the results. If you are ever in Barcelona, make reservations for lunch or dinner here.

For the remainder of the day we started with the Mercat de La Boqueria and some breakfast and cafe con leche at Pinotxo and then wandered the barrio gothic, stopping everywhere that interested us. Our only constraint on our wandering was our reservation at Osmosis at 2:00. we headed for the train around 5:30 when we were about done from our walking. We all crashed when we got back to the piso in Sitges around 7:00. It was a wonderful day, lots of walking but worth it, Sharon and Colby even got to pose with Dali, though we found him to be very quiet.












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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Wow, Sunny Skies in Sitges

We have had two wonderful days in Sitges. Wednesday was a lazy day to make up for our travel day on Tuesday. We slowly got up, made coffee, showered, and finally went down to Cafe Roy for breakfast and discussions on our plans for the day. Mine were simple, a trip to the hardware store for a euopean to us electrical socket and a trip to the tabacco store for some Cuban cigars. Then we all headed to the beach! After we had had our fill at the beach it was up to the playa for a restuarant and lunch. Paella and a couple bottles of Torres DeCasta Rosado made us happy. (I wish we could get this at Binny's.) By now it was about 4:00 and we all needed naps, can you believe it? Back to the piso, some to the roof and nap time.

After that hard earned rest we went to the local butcher shop and picked out a jamon Pernil Iberico and some cheese, got bread and salad fixings and were set for dinner later. Now it was back up to the roof for cocktails and cava and technology and talk. We were on the roof 'till 9:00 then down to the Soler piso for dinner of jamon Iberica, bread, salad, cheese, vinto tinto, olives, anchovies. In other words a feast to build our strength for Thursday and our trip to Raventos.

Up and out of the piso at 7:00 and the the train station. We are on our way to Raventos - two trains and we are at the Sant Sadurni D'Anoia train station a little after 9:00. Arnau Roca picked us up at the station and served as our guide and host for our visit. He is friendly, articulate, and entertaining. We started in the beautiful office area with coffee and an introduction to and history of Raventos. Then Arnau took us on a ride through the vinyards, stopping to show us the vines and the soil and explaining the different terroirs. We then came back to the main building and walked through the production area and Antonio demonstrated a manual disgorgement. Very cool! Then inside for a tasting of thee different cavas and a still wine. We met Manuel Raventos i Negra and his mother. This family and the people who work for Raventos are passionate about what they do and it shows. They made our visit the their winery a highlight of our trip and something we will treasure. We learned a lot and came away with a genuine appreciate for their wines.

Montserrat is always the backdrop for the Raventos vineyards

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

And Would You Believe it Rains in Pamplona Too?

Our goal today is Sitges to Katie and Jorge's piso in the old barrio. Their piso is home of the largest collection of Colby Jordan photographs in Europe. We were out of Hondaribbia at about 9:00 bound for Pamplona. We loved Hondaribbia and we loved our hotel and the people who work there. Even though we did not accomplish all we wanted to while there, we were delighted that we spent four nights there.




First stop Pamplona - in the rain. I think it followed us and increased as we walked around. Our goal was to walk some of the streets where they run the bulls and also streets that are part of the Camino de Santiago. We did accomplish both, but we got soaked in the process. We went to a cafe for cafe con lech, a little dry time, and then back to the car. During our adventurous we managed to see demonstrators in multiple locations, Colby and Lee "ran" with the bulls, we saw a few Camino de Santiage pilgrims, the big bull ring, cool buildings, and rain.

Back on the road our plans were to have lunch in Zaragosa and see a little of the city, but we were running way behind schedule. We ended up having lunch at a service area on the super highway. Can you belive there was a chef in chefware and hat at the grill at a service area? We had a surprisingly good lunch and everyone was happy. No vino - but they do sell wine and beer there. You'd never see that back home!

The highways in Spain are wonderful, easy to drive, and well maintained. But they should be based on the tools they collect. It is NOT inexpensive to drive the highways of Spain. Big tolls on a regular basis. Just between Sitges and the Barcelona airport we paid about 6 euro for a 10 mile distance.

We found our way into Sitges and found a parking space close to the piso. We unloaded and dragged our bags to Katie and Jorges at around 6:00 pm. Then Lee and I went to the airport to drop off the car and take the bus back to Sitgesr, returning around 7:30. In the meantime, Sharon, Peg, and Katie went to the local liquor store, got Jim Beam for Lee, Aviation Gin for me and wine for everybody. We had a drink on the roof and then took a walk to see the town. Dinner at the piso and then we retired. Well, I am still typing! Good night!



Lee never met a dog he didn't like.