Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Cycle 2 Day 2

Quirky Birds
One page of my watercolor bird experiments. I am finding my watercolor style, and it does seem to be somewhat quirky. I'll see what develops over time.
Last night was rough one, I was sleepy and tired but couldn't sleep. My left hip was aching and I could not get comfortable. I have had this off and on for quite a while but normally when my hip hurts, two or three ibuprofen do the trick. My chemo team does not want me taking ibuprofens but rather acetaminophen which does not do as good a job on muscle and joint aches and pains. I tossed and turned an sometimes slept for a few minutes and then was up walking around. I tried Salonpas which helped for a while, then pain relief cannabis cream which helped for a while. I didn't want an Ativan because that seemed to be too much. I kept watching the clock until 5:00 - my target. I was soon downstairs drinking apple juice and cafe con leche. Don't you love reading this stuff? It does me good to get it out.
Chemo was at 7:40 this morning and we left the house at about 6:30 for a very uneventful drive - I drove today because I wanted something to do! In yesterday's blog entry I said today would be an easy day, and it would have been if I wasn't so wiped from having so little sleep. The infusion itself went well but I was done in by the end of it and hit a wall walking to the car - shortness of breath and no energy. I have been out of sorts this afternoon but I have gotten a couple of naps in. My side effects today are and increase in neuropathy in my fingers, a bit of nausea, and generally not feeling great. Drugs are available for all of those. Sharon was most amused when I was watching Rachel Maddow on my iPad and she heard it play about 5 times. She looking at me at the dining room table with my head hanging down and sound asleep. I don't think I caught any of Rachel. I got out of the house for a few today, riding with Sharon to the gas station and the car wash. Riding home in the snow yesterday afternoon really trashed the Jeep. Months ago we signed up for unlimited car washes and have not regretted the decision.
Time to paint.

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