Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Chemo Round Two

Not a good night last night as I am still suffering the aches and pains from the joint and muscle issues from the weekend. I am feeling better now - but 7 1/2 hours in the infusion chair didn't help. I need to move around and being hooked up to an IV is not terribly conducive to movement.

Today was day one of cycle two of the R-CHOP chemo. Except for the above mentioned aches and pains I am doing OK. Our 7 1/2 hour day in the chair include two hours round trip commute time driving the 50 miles each way to the hospital. It went really quickly for me this morning because I slept most of the way. Luckily Sharon was driving. About half of our drive home was in snow along 470, pretty much from when we got on 470 until we got off. I wasn't bad but was sticking on the roadway. Sharon and the Jeep took it in stride. Definitely not Camaro weather.  Notice all the hair on my arm! It hasn't taken it yet, though you can see on my head where it is slowly disappearing.

Tomorrow we start at 7:40 AM and should only be done in about 2 1/2 hours. Cyclophosphamide. An easy day.

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