Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Week One Done

Today marks one week since I started chemo. I am quite pleased with where I am right now. It has not been as hard as I expected. At the end of week one I have more energy that I did before this chemo started. I am sleeping well at night except for having to get up to pee way too often. I am sleeping less, which is interesting. Perhaps because I am sleeping better, I am sleeping less. I do have itching buttocks! Sharon thinks this may be related to all the steroids I took last week. I did crash a few times in the last few days, likely from withdrawal from the steroids. My appetite is pretty normal. Taste buds? They are affected now, but only slightly. I can tell they are not normal, but I can still taste most foods and drinks. I am back to normal bowel movements (I know you wanted to know about that.) I have had an increase in neuropathy symptoms - mostly in my fingers. The doctor told me last week I shouldn't have any increase in neuropathy when I complained about it. I'm sorry to disagree with you doc, but I should know if I have an increase in neuropathy despite what your training tells you. I've had no hair loss yet, but the doc seems to think this will happen after cycle two. Sharon and I will preempt the worst of it by cutting my hair off this week. Here's hoping it won't be as severe a hair loss as last time.

I re-read some of my old Hodgkin's blog and I believe I was having a harder time at this point. But then, this is a quite different chemo than I had then.


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