Monday, February 27, 2017


Yes ouch! I have had a tough and painful few days. Friday I was just in general malaise, not feeling right. But during the night into Saturday morning I started hurting. First it was my fingers, then my wrists, and when I woke it moved to my elbows and then my shoulders. I was hurting and IBUs and Tylenols did little to help. By the evening it had moved to my hips and my knees. Sharon made chicken soup for me but I couldn't eat. I just wanted to lay on my back in bed and that is what I did. I was able to sleep off and on and at 12:30 AM I hit the serious drugs and took an Ativan. That allowed me to sleep, but I could not turn over or do much moving at all, on my back was about the only solution. I woke up and took another Ativan at 6:30 AM and got a little more sleep in. Sharon and I reasoned that the pain was caused by inflammation and perhaps histamines and I doubled and tripled down on anti inflammatory drugs. Allegra, Claritin, and finally 100mg of Prednisone. These combined with IBUs and Tylenols made the day bearable but I was in pain. My shoulders were the worst and on a pain scale of 1-10 I gave them an 8. By Sunday night I was moving better but not normally. I was able to sleep Sunday night and roll onto my side - a big improvement. But Monday morning revealed that the pain had moved from my joints to my muscles. Arms, legs, fingers etc. All were experiencing muscle pain. I really slowed me down, but I found that movement helped and that is what I did - move around.

We drove to Aurora today for blood test and a visit with Dr. Kamdar. My blood test all looked to and I am a "go" for chemo tomorrow. She was not concerned with my pains and felt they were a normal but a delayed reaction to the chemo. I was lectured about taking the prednisone - I shouldn't have done that. In the future I am to call the hot line and talk to a nurse practitioner. She will cut back on the vincristine by 25% because I am having neuropathy symptoms. Thanks for that. I got the feeling that the next three rounds of chemo could be worse, but I am still positive and hoping for the best. 


  1. It makes my heart heavy to hear about how much pain you are having. Ugg...I want to be there for you and make you comfy. I love you. Oh, and get some Susan Tedeschi, she is wondrous on the ears.

  2. Colby, wow catch up time. Incredibly sorry about chemo again! 100 grams of pred!?!?! Yikes I can tell you were desperate. Not fb savvy so no idea how to message you so here I am. Last I saw you guys were tooling around in that sexy hotrod. Wishing you comfort and healing. Hugs to you and Sharon.
