Saturday, February 11, 2017

Chemo Again

As I noted in my last entry, I am back in chemo to deal with Large B Cell Lymphoma which has developed from the Indolent Follicular Lymphoma. My treatment is four cycles of R-CEOP chemo. This means three days of chemo every three weeks repeated four times. I have completed cycle one and have tolerated it quite well so far. I am feeling pretty good, yes there are some aches and pains and a few other side effects but they are all quite tolerable so far. My appetite is good, I can still taste, my hair has not started falling out yet, I am not fatigued (but then for the past four days I have had between 100mg and 200mg of prednisone.) This biggest problem is the length of time I have to spend getting the infusions. On Thursday for example we were at the hospital from 7:00am to 3:00pm. That and an hour drive each way makes for a long day.

I will keep going on this blog as I progress through this chemo. My hope is to move through it without major issues. I have a really good support team at the University of Colorado Hospital. They are on top of everything.

There is a new item in our garage as of yesterday. We picked it up late yesterday and have not spent much time in it yet, but just you wait! It is my prize for having cancer and going through chemo.


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