Thursday, February 23, 2017


Silly title for the blog, because I am not "cruzin'" anywhere. But, I did wash the new car for the first time and I am having fun taking pictures. It is a wonderful car to drive and to ride in - powerful, comfortable, great handling, and makes a very satisfying V8 growl. It is grounded today though. We have snow coming down and with high performance summer only tires the SS is not allowed to go out and play. Perhaps next winter I will get a set of winter tires for it. Oh, Brady has named her for us - Icy Icy. I think we will shorten it to Icy or simply Ice. Ice works well with the Jeep which Brady has named Snow. The two cars look good together in the garage!
On Monday I finished the workshop dust control system to my miter saw. I have more hose ordered so that I can get the table saw hooked up. At least the miter saw is back in business and that allowed me to repair the cabinet I made for the back porch. There is a story here. This summer I built a cabinet to go along with our grills. I held grill accessories and the top served as a handy counter to use while grilling. It had wheels on it so it could be easily moved around the patio. This winter it fell victim to our downslope winds and blew off the patio not once, not twice, but three times. Our heavy gas grill has blown off the porch three times also. The cabinet is now rebuilt and screwed into one of the pergola uprights and I have screwed a 2x4 into the deck to stop the gas grill when it gets blown around. Even the Traeger got blown around this week. We had steady 30 mph winds with gusts over 50 mph. The weather guys say downslope Chinook winds. Little did we know we would have to tie everything down outside.
This week has been good for me as fas as chemo and cancer side effects. My itching has moved down to my ankles. My energy level is good - better than pre-chemo. I still have a good appetite and most of my taste buds are still working. I do have a few mouth issues, but not too bad. No hair loss yet. I must be clearing cancer cells out of my body. Next week I face cycle 2. I am of course hoping that it will go as well as cycle 1 - but I won't know until I am in it. I have scheduled my first appointment with an Oncology Massage Therapist in Boulder at BCH. This won't be until March 14, but it is a start.

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