Thursday, March 9, 2017

Wind, Take Three?

I think the wind is done today. We shall see. Currently WSW at 5 mph. Sunny and going to 71º here. Not bad if it is for real!

Chemo update. Long bone pain, mostly in my upper femur of both legs. It is a dull ache, more annoying than painful. I also have lower back pain, which I suppose could actually be my pelvis. Pelvis makes sense because there is plenty of bone marrow in there. It is just an indication that the Neulasta is doing its thing and promoting my bone marrow to produce white blood cells. I slept well and long last night, despite my hourly trips to urinate. I am feeling a bit more energy today and will attempt to get a few things done around the house. And that's all I have to say about that.

I made it to Rocky Mountain National Park today. Packed a lunch and water and went. It was about 70º here with little wind but 55º there with a lot of wind. Not too many visitors and the roads were pretty empty. A nice drive there and around and back. 


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