Monday, March 6, 2017

Windy Monday

The Longmont weather forecast for today calls for 25-25 mph winds with gust to 40. I believe it! I drove Sharon to the airport this morning and on the return trip, driving north on I-25, there was debris blowing across the road, big trucks were weaving, and many cars seemed to have a hard time going in a straight line. The Camaro handled it well. That thing is planted on four huge tires.

John sent me a picture last night, we shaved his head and looks pretty darn good. I think I've got more hair than he does now, and I need a shave.


Yesterday was a good day - mostly. Sharon and I went to breakfast at City Cafe and then hit the Home Depot for some yard items. When we got home I was tired and took at nap then chilled for a while. We made a trip to Safeway for a prescription renewal and some dinner items, then back home. I laid down on the couch and caught another short nap. Chris and Amanda came over for dinner. Chris brought and prepared a vegetable dish, Sharon made a nice salad and a loaf of bread and I made polenta and baked two branzini on the grill. Everything was delicious. We did put Chris to work filleting and serving the branzini. He can't come over without us putting him to work in the kitchen. About the end of dinner I had to go upstairs and lay down. I suddenly got very warm, started sweating, and got light headed. Perhaps the wine and not enough water? I felt better later and am feeling fine today. I suppose I just need to learn to take everything more slowly. 


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