Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Hair Or Not

My mustache is vanishing. I tried to trim it this week and there wasn't much to trim. A couple of hairs were long, but there is not much else there. I had a few long hairs on my head and when Sharon tried to "clean me up" today she said I had lost all my hair in some spots while others were still growing. I still have eyebrows! I got a new beanie today to keep that balding pate warm.

Sharon is off to Norfolk/Chesapeake Virginia again this week. We trip there this time was much better than last week but there were still a couple of glitches. It is not easy getting to Norfolk apparently.

Today I visit BCH for an Oncology Massage. I am hoping the therapist is as good as Pete! I want some neuropathy relief. Otherwise I continue to feel well. I can feel something going on in my upper abdomen but other than that and being low energy I am doing well. 

And, I am back from my massage at BCH and feeling wonderful. My therapist went beyond just my feet and hands and also did a very light lymphatic system massage. Results? I can feel my toes and my fingers feel a bit better but overall I feel very good. She told me that in her experience with patients going through R-CEOP chemo that I am very healthy and look very good. This was encouraging. I've made another appointment in three weeks. As with this one, it will be two weeks after chemo. Let's hope I am feeling as good as I am today.

This morning I washed the Camaro and drove to and from Boulder with the top down enjoying the 70º weather. I was comfortable and the drive was fun. I stopped at Your Butcher Frank and got a 12# frozen Red Bird turkey. I am going to smoke a turkey on Saturday and we are having friends over. I had a taste for smoked turkey!


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