Sunday, March 5, 2017

A Beautiful Weekend

The sunrise yesterday morning was beautiful and the day progressed to beings mostly clear blue skies with a few clouds for interest. We got up to 70º here in Longmont which made for a good time to be outside and driving with the top down. In the morning Sharon pulled weeds in the back yard and I watered plants and fiddled with the pond. Somewhere in the piping between the pond skimmer and the falls there is a leak, I could not easily find it yesterday, but will investigate more today.

Last night we had neighbors Jerry and LEslie over for dinner. We had flounder, salad, and bread that were each delicious. We bought two whole flounders at Whole Foods and had them filet them. We took home the carcass and Sharon made some lovely fish stock! I cooked the flounder filets on the gas grill on the flat top and seasoned with olive oil, salt and pepper. That was all they needed and they were delicious. 

On the chemo report for this weekend, I am tolerating this week's treatment very well. Very little bone pain from the Neulasta and minor abdomen soreness from the chemo. My energy level was good until about 2:00 or so yesterday then I kinda crashed. I slept well last night, put was on the pee run all night long again. Two nights in a row on the 1/2 hour to hour pee schedule. I believe it is my body getting rid of the liters of chemo pumped in this week. My hair is falling out, but slowly, except for the side of my head I usually sleep on.

A Coke Afternoon
Losing It 
Shelby's Rough Life
Key Holder Project
Morning Cafe Con Leche

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