Wednesday, March 8, 2017


During the night I could still hear the wind blowing against the bedroom window.This morning, thankfully, it is done. We are looking at 10 mph winds today. Much better than before. I am considering some sort of weather station that include an anemometer so that I can track winds here at the house. I need something more accurate than; "Geez, the grill is blowing off of the patio!" It is also warming up today to the md 60s, much nicer than it has been the past few days. I plan on getting outside and enjoying it.

Went out to fill the birdfeeder again and found that the wind knocking it around for the last couple of days did some damage. Now glued and screwed together and clamped. The birds will have to wait for their seed.

On the chemo symptoms front, this morning I think the Neulasta is at work in my long bones. I have slight, dull pain in both my femurs and in both humerus (or should it be humeri?) Not bad, but I can feel it. Otherwise I am OK. Right before I got in the shower this morning the bed called my name for about 15 minutes. I just had to lay down. What's with that? I still have a lot of hair, and it is growing. What's with that? Not complaining mind you, just curious. I am complaining about my lack of energy. I don't seem to have energy to do much of anything and that bothers me. I know it is due to the chemo but I don't have to like it.

Last night I met Chuck and Joan in Niwot at Ajuaa. It is a Tex-Mex chain that does a pretty good job. But the best part was spending time with Chuck and Joan. Good friends, good conversation.

The wind is BACK! West winds at 24 mph.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you still have hair and aren't in too much pain. It's a start.
