Tuesday, March 7, 2017

More Wind

It is Tuesday and the Chinook winds are blowing downslope once more. We have 20-30mph winds again with gusts over 40mph. The winds contributed to Sharon's bad day yesterday. Yes, she had a very bad travel day.

I dropped Sharon off at the Denver airport at 6:00 a.m. on Monday. They boarded her plane late because of bad winds. Then when they finally left, they turned around and came back to the gate because one of the engines was not idling correctly. After hours of excuses and work, Sharon said they unloaded bags from the plane and rebooked her on a 5:00 a.m. Tuesday flight. She got it changed to a 2:15 p.m. flight Monday, but that was delayed as well. Last night at 8:25 p.m. she texted me from Milwaukee. They were diverted. She finally made it to Chicago at about 10:00 p.m. and stayed at the airport Hilton. Bad, bad day. She should have been in Norfolk, Virginia by at least 4:00 p.m. on Monday. She is just arriving there as I write this Tuesday morning. Her bag is on its way to LaGuardia and won't be in Norfolk until this evening.

I on the other hand did little or nothing all day long after taking Sharon to the airport. My body told me to lay low and I listened. The chemo is slowing me down, though I do not feel fatigued, just slow. I'm thinking I will be able to do more today. The only thing on my list though is shower, dishes, pick up the house, and income taxes.

I feel a need to update on chemo symptoms. Except for the incident Sunday evening when I got lightheaded and suddenly hot, I have had not other issues the past couple of days. Dr. Kamdar cut ack on Vincristine this last cycle, and I have had no noticeable worsening of neuropathy. That is a big deal. My appetite continues to be good and my taste buds are mostly there. Food is appealing and I am eating. My energy level is low but as I said above, I am not fatigued. Overall, halfway through this chemo I feel I am still tolerating it very well.

Yesterday the wind blew all of the seeds out of our bird feeder. And, with the winds blowing again today I will not refill it. The red wing blackbirds are not happy. They have been hanging around, waiting.



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