Thursday, March 30, 2017

Rain...And Then Sun And Then Rain

We seem to be out of our dry spell. We had rain on Monday and Tuesday and on Wednesday the sun is shining and it is partly cloudy. Then why does my weather app predict rain today? I can look at different weather apps and see different forecasts for today and the remainder of the week. One has showers on Saturday and one calls for snow. I wonder if the difference in the forecasts is that one gives me forecasts for the entire Denver metro area and the other is more specific? Will Saturday be snow, a mix, or rain?

On Wednesday morning I found that an unknown critter opened the can with the birdseed and peanuts and feasted on peanuts. I have not been securing the top of the can because it has not been bothered before. Now I know I have to secure the lid. I suspect a raccoon. Grackles have invaded the bird feeder. How can I dissuade them and the red wing black birds and not the finches?

Chemo reaction wise I am faring pretty well. I noticed this morning that my eyebrows were thinning by quite a bit even though I still have fuzz all over the top of my head. I was hoping to keep those darn eyebrows. Darn. The past couple of days I have had bone pain as a result of the Neulasta doing its thing to grow white blood cells. Tylenol to the rescue. I am weaker than I was before but continue to try to push through it. Walking up and down stairs is my only exercise and I do get a bit winded going up. My lips and tongue are feeling odd but I can still taste. My appetite is good, perhaps too good! Last night I had boiled shrimp, salad, and bread for dinner. I followed by a dessert of vanilla custard and strawberries. All was good and tasty. 

I am working on out 2016 tax return and it is a real pain. Normally our taxes are simple. This year we have complicated it with the sale of two houses and the purchase of one. And, we have lived in two states, plus sold property in a third. Today I have to dig through boxes in the basement looking for our closing statement for the purchase of 386 Montclair in 1992. I know I have it somewhere! 


  1. I don't know about the grackles but shoot the red wings and send them to me. Same with the peanut thief.

    1. All I have to shoot with is a .45. Not good for birds and will likely scare the neighbors.
