Sunday, March 26, 2017

Cycle Three Done

Aside from the problems getting an IV started on day one of cycle three, the remainder of the cycle went well. I continue to tolerate the chemo with minimal side effects. Yes, neuropathy has increased and I have a bit of tingling in my fingers and I don't have the energy I would like to have and I pee constantly but otherwise I continue to feel better than I did before chemo. I do have a new symptom and that is some tightness in my vocal chords. I feel I have to clear my throat often and if I talk much my voice cracks. I tolerated the Neulasta injection this week with only a little of long bone pain last night and some jaw pain yesterday morning. I consider this to be very positive. I am experiencing a bit of pain in my left lower arm and I believe this to be my vein that was used for the chemo this week. It is complaining as it was not meant to be attacked by chemicals for three days in a row. It is not too bad but I can not wear a watch and I feel naked without a watch.

Speaking of constantly peeing, this week I could not make it from the hospital to home without a stop. About half way home I told Sharon we would have to stop and luckily there is a great spot. I discovered that Buffalo Wild Wings has a toilet just inside the front door! And, as a bonus, we were right by Costco so we were able to make a stop there. All we needed was dish soap and kitty litter. $150 later we walked out with those plus fresh tuna, shorts, a tee shirt, butter, olive oil, toilet tissue, and popcorn. Don't go to Costco when you drive a convertible Camaro with the top down. Trunk space is fine with the top up but when you put the top down it goes away. We filled the trunk and the back seat. And, with the top down things tend to blow about in back. I had to move the popcorn and my jacket to under my feet and hold hold onto the toilet tissue. We were quite a sight but Sharon looked good tooling down the highway at 79 miles an hour with the top down.

Living where we do it seems that most of our driving is on the highway, with only a little bit of short trip in town driving. This certainly helps our gas mileage.  Our trips to Aurora to the hospital are about 100 miles round trip and almost all highway. The trips to the airport are about 80 miles round trip, also almost all highway. We've got 75 mph limits on most of those trips so they go quickly. With over 2,100 miles on the Camaro now, we have averaged 23.7 mpg which is better than normal for this car and pretty darn good for a 455 hp V8 and just about the same as I saw in the Miata. We see about the same mileage in the Jeep which, though it has a V6, is pushing more weight and four wheel drive. We are very happy with our expensive garage and its sporty and practical vehicles.

Sharon is at Orange Theory right now and I am sitting at Panera drinking coffee and using their WIFI. I've got a nice view of the Boulder foothills. The clouds are slowly clearing and it promises to be another beautiful though cool Colorado day.

Today we met with David Perlick who handles wills, trusts, and probate. We will be putting our assets into a revocable trust which will make it easier down the line if something happens to either or both of us. We are also doing medical power of attorney and advance directives and new wills. We are covering all the bases. We want to get as much of this done before I go in for the stem cell transplant. John and Kristie and Kathy, we will be talking to you about this as each of you are involved.

Sharon, top down.

Spring in Boulder


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