Saturday, October 30, 2010

Clip Art Image: Cute Little Mouse Peeking Out From His Hole In a WallTwo mice in one night! Our mousers were busy last night. They got one around 1:00am and the next around 6:00am. I took care of the early one, while I was in the bathroom L.C. brought the mouse in to show me. It was done by then. When I tried to take it from her she picked it up and headed to the dining room. I had to hold her to get the mouse.

Sharon took care of the 6:00am mouse. It was still going when she scooped it up in Tupperware and took it outside.

Because Sharon still has a cold we slept in separate bedrooms again. No fun! Both of us had sleep issues (other than mice.) The cats are happy because they now have their choice of occupied beds.

I went to work Friday and made it almost two hours. I felt a need to be there to check in a cigar shipment. Also, inventory is on Sunday and I wanted to get some preliminaries taken care of. I will be there on Sunday for inventory. I am so dedicated!

I am feeling pretty well today. Minimal nausea, a bit of fatigue, and tender fingernails are my major complaints. I've had much worse this round, so these symptoms are good in comparison.

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