Sunday, November 7, 2010

L.C. plays with the camera lens.

After the last post the kitties have only gotten one more mouse (that we know of.) L.C. has learned to open the cabinet under the kitchen sink. She can go in at willl to wait for a dumb mouse to come out.

The week is winding down and chemo is on Wednesday. I saw Dr. Kozuh this he and told him that during the last chemo I was on the verge of vomiting and was having a really tough time getting through the infusion. This week they will give me Ativan as part of the infusion which should effectively knock me out. I am also adding an additional anti-nausea drug and breathing cinnamon oil in a mask. I WILL make it through two more chemo treatments.

My fingernails are worse this week - with three of them on the verge of coming off. They are almost separated from the nail bed all the way down. Ow!

Last night I went over to the bistro with a bottle of Champagne. I didn't want to spend another eveing just sitting at home. Sharon came out of the kitchen and joined me for bubbly and onion soup then went back to work. This short evening out was good - did not tire me too much and it got me out of the pattern of work, home, work, home.

Two more chemo sessions and we will stop pumping poison into my body.

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